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Original JPG File | 2953 × 1960 pixels (5.79 MP) 25 cm × 16.6 cm @ 300 PPI | 908 KB | Download |
Low resolution print | 2000 × 1327 pixels (2.65 MP) 16.9 cm × 11.2 cm @ 300 PPI | 568 KB | Download |
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WCC Photo
Dr Soritua Nababan , general secretary of the National Council of Churches in Indonesia, preaching at an open-air worship service in Stockholm's Sergels Square on Sunday 4 July, 1968, as an artist illustrates the reading. The service, which involved participants in the fourth Assembly of the World Council of Churches, Uppsala, and members of Stockholm churches, was telecast in colour by Sveriges Radio (TV). Assembly participants went by special trains to Stockholm from Uppsala where the Assembly was in session.